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“My friends know that 7:30-10pm is my “T-time,” when Tanny and I relax together in our home theater room.” Tanny adds, “I like to patronize local businesses. We used Home Theater Evolutions for our electronics, and they recommended Grand Windows and Interiors for our window treatments…but that was just the beginning of our relationship with Caron and Candelario Lopez!”

Tanny loves the challenge of “composing” the perfect design. He says, “ Johnnie and I really enjoy finding the perfect pieces for each room like the waterfall by the piano…perfect for a waste water specialist! We’ve chosen a contemporary style that unites family heirlooms, custom work, and pieces from our travels in Europe, Hawaii, and throughout the US. Grand Windows did our custom plantation shutters, the curtains in the exercise room, and the blackout drapes in the theater room. Caron really listens and understands my style. She’s found the perfect details to pull the look together.” As a retired FBISD school counselor, Johnnie appreciates the sanctuary she and Tanny have created. She says, “We always have the next project in mind, and it’s wonderful to know we can count on Grand Windows. Caron has some exciting ideas for the kitchen…and Tanny is leaving the design of the master bedroom to me. We never worry about a thing, because Cande is an excellent installer, extremely precise. He’s even brought his son with him to learn the business. Tanny was thrilled to learn that Caron and Cande’s kids both play musical instruments. He’s hoping to get them out one night to play with his band!”

Transforming Bland to Grand